Monday, 12 August 2013

1 image, 2 image transfer techniques (... if it doesn't succeed, try, try & try again!)

So, along with revisiting Tim's Holtz's Creative Chemistry 101 techniques, I'm also doing another online class with Claudine Hellmuth at Big Picture Classes - Technique Toolbox - 25 techniques in 5 weeks!

So because I'm learning & doing things for the first time, I though I'd share one of my not-so successful technique tags!  Crossed fingers, I've got an idea of how to redo this tag so I can hopefully post it in the class gallery! I'm glad I photo'd the tag while it was still wet & before it got past the point of no return - I'll take the photo down to the copy shop & get a laser copy, which will hopefully work better!

So, here's the tag before it got past the 'point of no return' ... just about!

I was rather taken by the photo, especially his blue eyeshadow around one eye, & his purple coat & bottle of drink!

The technique is a photo transfer into acrylic paint. 'Officially', and quite rightly(!), you should use a laser copy.  But I'd come across this photo in an old copy of Time Out magazine (for the record, from jul 9-15 2013 issue), which is printed on a type of newsprint, so probably not very good for this type of transfer!  He's apparently a young music festival organiser, (dressed as a pirate for the festival!).

I used classic teal paint with a bit of white (from a very old gloopy tube of acrylic paint!) added over the whole tag, & added some dryish sable brown at the edges while I was waiting for the paint to dry.  I also probably didn't wait long enough to make sure the print soaked into the paint before I started rubbing away the paper...  So I'd also already started rubbing when I decided it wasn't really working - so that's when I took the photo as I'd like to try again (the paper was still wet at the time I photo'd it) ...

So I thought I'd see how far I could go anyway...

OK, more rubbing, & drying & it looked like this - oops!! Reject!!!

So, I added a little gloss medium over the top, which helps to make the paper transparent, & here's my final photo of this time round (I had added a title by this time) ...

You can see the image marginally more, but there was way too much paper left, so totally not what I was aiming for!  So this tag will stay with my rejects!


But, here's what happened when after I'd printed out the photo of the tag (top photo) & taken it down to the copy shop... This time I thought I'd try out a different technique, so I did a transfer onto stickyback canvas (which worked much better!) ...

At last something I could post onto our class gallery!  And I got some lovely comments, thank you all!  And, feeling 'brave', I'm now publishing this to my blog ... !!
P.S. note to self for the future - if you're going to be trying a new technique make sure you photograph or copy any originals, even if you then use the original - so at least in some form you can try again!!

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